Information session for candidates for FCT PhD Scholarships

16:00 - 18:00

CESAM’s Doctoral Student Group (GED-CESAM), in collaboration with CESAM, is organising an event to support applicants for FCT-funded doctoral scholarships.

The session will take place on 4 April at 4pm in the DEGEIT Amphitheatre (11.1.3).

The event will include:

– Opening session with a presentation of the GED and the point of view of students who already have a scholarship (5-10 mins);

– Overview of the application form and tips (CESAM Science Managers) (25-30 mins);

– Q&A session between the audience and CESAM members who have been evaluators in recent competitions (1h).

The event requires you to fill in a form (available here) to guarantee your registration and for the presentations to be sent. If more than 5% of the participants prefer English, the session will be in this language. Otherwise, only the slides will be in English.