Experts for third World Ocean Assessment


Hundreds of experts are required to be part of the Pool of Experts for the development of the third World Ocean Assessment (WOA III). They will support the preparation of the assessments conducted under the Regular Process and contribute as members of writing teams in this regard. The experts represent diverse disciplines and geographical regions.

Deadline: 31 July 2024

Nominated, recommended, or self-recommended experts must complete the online application form and send their CVs to the secretariat (to:, cc: using the email subject “WOA3: CV for the Pool of Experts“.

The profiles of experts will be reviewed by their State of nationality or the Bureau of the Regular Process and they will receive confirmation of their inclusion in the Pool of Experts from the secretariat. Only experts included in the Pool of Experts can be selected by the Group of Experts to be a writing team member or peer-reviewer of the Third World Ocean Assessment (WOA III).

To learn more about the writing team member or peer-reviewer role, please see the Guidelines for the Writing and Review Process of the Assessment(s) of the Third Cycle and the Guidelines for the Nomination and Application of Experts to the Pool of Experts, Writing Teams, and Peer-Reviewers.

CESAM researchers Cristina Pita, Helena Vieira and Luis Menezes Pinheiro are already involved in the WOA III through their participation in the United Nations Regional Atlantic Workshop aimed at preparing this document. The list of expertise needed can be found here.

Additional information is available here.