Prize for innovative projects in the seafood sector


Deadline: 15 November 2024

The Expo Fish Portugal Innovation Award, promoted by Docapesca, funds new ideas and projects for new seafood products, solutions for more sustainable fishing and aquaculture, new equipment and production methods, innovative digital solutions and services, and contributions to biodegradable fishing gear. There will be prize money for the three best projects (€ 5000 for 1st place, € 4000 for 2nd place, and €3000 for 3rd place).


a) To identify and support projects/companies characterising the strengthening of innovation in the area of seafood;

b) To identify and support projects/companies characterised by process change and knowledge transfer in the area of sustainable fishing;

c) Identify and support projects/companies characterised by the creation of innovative processes and new equipment linked to activities in the seafood sector;

d) Identify and support projects/companies characterised by the creation of digital processes and solutions.


The competition’s theme is ‘Innovation and research linked to the seafood sector’. Proposals that fall into the following categories will be accepted:

a) New seafood products;

b) More sustainable fishing and aquaculture;

c) New equipment and production methods;

d) Digital solutions and services;

e) Biodegradable fishing gear.


All individual persons, namely higher education students attending a bachelor’s, postgraduate, master’s or doctoral degree course at a higher education establishment in Portugal, professors or companies, start-ups and research centres, can apply for the award.


Applications must be submitted here.

Projects must be submitted in the form of a written report in non-editable PDF format. As a guideline, it is suggested that work carried out in text format (MS Word) not exceed 8 pages and that work carried out in presentation format (MS PowerPoint) not exceed 16 pages, in both cases excluding any annexes. Projects submitted in text format must be in Arial Narrow font, size 12, paragraph 1.15. It is suggested that the proposal is written in Portuguese, but other documents in English may be attached if necessary.


The Jury will have the following main assessment criteria:

1) Definition of the problem / objectives of the project;

2) Ability to achieve the proposed objectives;

3) Innovation;

4) Existence of a market and potential for growth;

5) Technical and economic feasibility.

Supporting information

If you want to compete, you should consult the Rules of Participation (only available in Portuguese). You can also see the finalist and prize-winning projects from last year’s edition here.