There are currently several open calls for projects funded by PT2030 (including MAR2030) in which the University of Aveiro can be a beneficiary (as a promoter, co-promoter or by subcontracting, depending on the call) and that are relevant for CESAM members. You can find additional information and the opening notices for each call in the Portuguese version.
1. Teachers and researchers with permanent contracts at the UA: They can be leaders and participate in the team, but the percentage of allocation must not exceed 50% and depends on the allocation that already exists in other projects/applications.
2. CEEC researchers (individual or institutional or Norma Transitória): They can be leaders and participate in the team, but the percentage of imputation must not exceed 50% and depends on the imputation that already exists in other projects/candidatures. In addition, they cannot be allocated beyond the end of the contract. The project being applied for should be aligned with the work plan outlined in your contract.
3. Researchers hired on a fixed-term basis by Research Units/Associated Laboratories: They can be leaders and participate in the team, but the percentage of allocation must not exceed 50% and depends on the allocation that already exists in other projects/applications. In addition, they cannot be allocated beyond the end of the contract. The project being applied for should be aligned with the work plan outlined in your contract.
4. Fellows or researchers contracted for projects: May not be leader or part of the team
Submissions are made via the Balcão dos Fundos, and it is essential to involve UACOOPERA from the start of the process. CESAM’s Science Managers liaise between interested parties and UACOOPERA, so they should always first send an email to cesam-gesciência@ua.pt showing interest in applying for one of these calls.