1987 – Bachelor in Biology – Universtiy of Aveiro
2000 – PhD in Biology – University of Aveiro
Biochemistry and metabolomics of organisms under stress:
-Levels of tolerance of rhizobial populations under metal, salt and temperature stress – population genetics, biochemical mechanisms of resistance, metabolomic alterations
-Plant growth promotion and increase of plant tolerance
-Volatile organic compounds: influence on bacteria and plant growth and tolerance
-Biochemical mechanisms behind tolerance to metal and emergent pollutants toxicity in different environmental conditions
-Phytoremediation of metal contaminated areas
-Plant bacteria interactions: volatile communication and bacterial VOCs infleunce on growth, tolerance and resistance
-Biochemical and metabolomic alterations to metals and emergent pollutants in freshwater diatoms
4-Marine macroinvertebrates
-Biochemical and metabolomic changes to metals and emergent pollutants in benthic marine invertebrates