Licentiate (5-year) Environmental Engineering – University of Aveiro.
MSc Environmental Engineering (waste/water management and treatment axis) – University of Aveiro.
PhD Environmental Sciences and Engineering (environmental biotechnology and biorefinery axis) – University of Aveiro.
• Bioprocess engineering, kinetics and modelling
• Waste/water treatment and valorization (biological and energetic)
• Biochar production, characterization and novel applications
• CNP (carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous) environmental dynamics
• (Bio)remediation of soil and water compartments
• Engenharia, cinética e modelação de bioprocessos
• Tratamento e valorização (biológica e energética) de resíduos e águas residuais
• Produção, caracterização e aplicações inovadoras de biochar
• Dinâmica ambiental de CNP (carbono, azoto e fósforo)
• (Bior)remediação de compartimentos aquáticos e terrestres