Júlio Manuel Malha Simões Neto

citation names

Neto, Júlio
Júlio M. Neto
Júlio Manuel Neto

academic degrees

DPhil (Zoology, University of Oxford, 2004)
MPhil (Master in Sciences of Coastal Zones, University of Aveiro, 1999)
BSc (Biology, University of Aveiro, 1995)

research interests

I have a broad interest in behavioural ecology and evolutionary biology, and work mainly on natural populations of marshland passerines. My research involves a lot of fieldwork (bird ringing, nest finding, collection of blood and feather samples), lab work (genetics, stable isotope analysis), and statistics. Specific research lines include:
(1) the life-history trade-offs between breeding, moult and migration;
(2) the use and analysis of ringing data;
(3) extra-pair paternity, sexual selection and sex allocation;
(4) genetic population structure and migratory connectivity of marshland passerines;
(5) local adaptation and the evolution of reproductive barriers;
(6) diversity, spatial and temporal variation of avian malaria parasites

