DPhil (Zoology, University of Oxford, 2004)
MPhil (Master in Sciences of Coastal Zones, University of Aveiro, 1999)
BSc (Biology, University of Aveiro, 1995)
I have a broad interest in behavioural ecology and evolutionary biology, and work mainly on natural populations of marshland passerines. My research involves a lot of fieldwork (bird ringing, nest finding, collection of blood and feather samples), lab work (genetics, stable isotope analysis), and statistics. Specific research lines include:
(1) the life-history trade-offs between breeding, moult and migration;
(2) the use and analysis of ringing data;
(3) extra-pair paternity, sexual selection and sex allocation;
(4) genetic population structure and migratory connectivity of marshland passerines;
(5) local adaptation and the evolution of reproductive barriers;
(6) diversity, spatial and temporal variation of avian malaria parasites