This month, the first issue of the InsectERA Mobilizing Agenda magazine was launched. Issue No. 1 of the magazine includes details about InsectERA, news, events, articles, products, projects, and services within the scope of the project. InsectERA is a Mobilizing Agenda coordinated by Ingredient Odissey, S.A., in which the University of Aveiro is a partner, with researchers from CESAM, CICECO, and GOVCOPP. It aims to foster the circular economy and leverage the development of new products, processes, and services based on R&D and innovation, enabling the challenge of the green transition for environmental sustainability. It is based on four vertical pillars: InFood: use of insects in food products; InFeed: use of insects in sustainable animal feed; InIndustry: use of insect-derived products for industry; InBioremediation: use of insects as a bioremediation tool.
You can download the first issue of the magazine here.
(Text by: CESAM’s Communication, Promotion and Dissemination Office)