Marta Otero

short biography

Marta Otero received her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from University of León (Spain) in 2000, then occupying several lecturer and researcher positions, including a Marie Curie fellowship at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP, Portugal), an Assistant Researcher position at CESAM (Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies, University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal) and a Ramón y Cajal contract at University of León (Spain). In 2017, she gained an IF contract from the FCT as principal researcher, which allowed her to re-incorporate at CESAM (UA, Portugal). Since 2022, Marta Otero is Associate Professor at the University of León (Spain), where she belongs to the Applied Chemistry and Physics Department. Her research is mainly focussed on two fields: (i) sustainable treatments and materials for water decontamination; (ii) bio-wastes management and valorization. She maintains active collaborations with researchers and groups from several institutions. Among them it is to highlight the Analytical Sensors & Applied Eco-Chemistry (ASAEC) group at CESAM.
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instituição atual

Universidad de León