Nelson José Cabaços Abrantes

citation names

Abrantes, Nelson
Abrantes N

academic degrees

2007- PhD in Biology by the University of Aveiro, Portugal

2002– MSc in Coastal Zones Sciences by the University of Aveiro, Portugal

1999 – Graduation in Biology by the University of Aveiro, Portugal

research interests

Off-site effects of wildfire: impacts for the aquatic ecosystem

Fire ecology – post-fire recovery

Biomonitoring (studies on terrestrial and aquatic communities and its integration with ecotoxicological tools) and relationship with the ecosystem services

Impacts of agricultural management practices on biodiversity

Impact of microplastics in freshwater systems


No results to show.

Master: Leisly Santos
PhD: Maria João Saraiva Oliveira
PhD: João Puga
Master: Alda Vieira
Pesquisa: Pedro Saraiva
Estágio: Susana Faria
Traineeship: Jasper Van Den Heuvel
Estágio Erasmus: Felix Möller