Maria Paula Polónia Gonçalves

citation names

Goncalves PP
Gonçalves PP
Gonçalves MPP
Gonsalves MP
Gonçalves P
Goncalves P

academic degrees

1984 – Master of Science in Biology (Biochemistry); Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow (U.S.S.R.). Thesis title: [Surface binding and transport of calcium ions in mitochondria]; nº pages: 54; Language: Russian; Supervisor:Iuri Naumovitch Lejkin
1992 – Doutoramento(Ph.D) in Biochemistry; University of Coimbra, Coimbra (Portugal). Thesis title: [Characterization of the transport of the γ-amino-butyric acid in synaptic plasma membrane vesicles]; nº pages: 185; Language: Portuguese; Supervisor: Arsélio Pato de Carvalho

research interests

Intercellular communication with focus on nervous and neuroendocrine system. Presynaptic mechanisms of neurotransmission. Role of primary and secondary transport systems in the function of the synapse. Development of experimental models for screening in environmental neurotoxicology.


Post-doc: Virgília Sofia Almeida Azevedo Silva
PhD: Ana Isabel Costa Calejo
Master: Márcia Fernanda Ferreira Maia De Castro
Master: Ana Isabel Costa Calejo
PhD: João Miguel Da Silva Cordeiro
PhD: Virgília Sofia Almeida Azevedo Silva