MolBiPack – Improvement of the packaging, transport and packing of bivalve molluscs: from catch to marketing


Rui Rocha & Amadeu Soares


Programa MAR2020 (MAR-01.03.01-FEAMP-0005)


01/01/2018 - 30/06/2020

Funding for CESAM

378496 €

Total Funding

378496 €

The objectives of the project are the improvement of packaging and packaging methods of bivalve molluscs, from capture to commercialization, thus contributing to the valorisation of bivalve molluscs produced in Portugal through: i) preservation and improvement of biochemical composition; (ii) improvement of the organoleptic characteristics; (iii) reduction in mortality during the processes of harvesting and marketing; and iv) increase the shelf life of commercialized bivalves.