Ecosystem Management and Conservation

  • Ecosystem protection
  • Evidence-based conservation
  • Global change adaptation
  • Sustainable resources management

Mission: Manage, conserve, and restore ecosystems through innovative research, valuing ecosystems and their services.


1. Assess degradation and loss of ecosystems and biodiversity, incl. forests, wetlands, coral reefs, and other critical habitats;

2. Develop and implement conservation and restoration strategies, incl. nature-based solutions, afforestation, habitat restoration, and species recovery;

3. Investigate ecological processes and interactions within ecosystems, to understand their functioning and resilience;

4. Evaluate effectiveness of conservation and restoration measures and protected areas to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem services;

5. Assess socio-economic benefits of ecosystem conservation and restoration, incl. sustainable livelihoods and climate change mitigation;

6. Facilitate collaborative ecosystem management.

The research within the Ecosystem Management and Conservation research group (RG4) aligns with the need to protect biodiversity, halt ecosystem loss, and achieve key environmental targets. It directly supports initiatives like the UN SDGs, Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, EU Biodiversity Strategy, the Missions ‘Ocean and Waters’ and ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’, and IPCC assessments.  Our research on ecosystem function directly supports targets within SDGs 14 (Life Below Water) and 15 (Life on Land), while our assessments of ecosystem services and restoration solutions contribute to climate action under SDG 13.

RG4 directly supports:

TL3 – Socio-Ecological Systems and Resources: RG4 investigates the nexus between ecosystem health, sustainable resource management, and societal well-being, aiding informed decision-making, and promotes just transitions in the face of climate change.

TL1 – Climate Change, Adaptation, and Mitigation: RG4 research on ecosystem function, resilience, and responses to global change underpins biodiversity conservation, adaptation strategies, and climate mitigation efforts.


members (PhD only)

Afonso Duarte dos Reis Rocha

Investigador Doutorado

Alfredo López Fernández

Investigador Doutorado

Ana Isabel Francisco Sousa

Investigadora Auxiliar

Ana Isabel Lillebo Batista

Investigadora Principal com Agregação

Ana Manuel Bastos Figueiredo

Bolseira de pós-doutoramento

Ana Paula Mónica Simões Ré

Investigadora Doutorada

Camilo André Ferreira Carneiro

Estagiário de Pós-Doutoramento

Daniel Francis Richard Cleary

Investigador Principal

Diana Marina Gomes de Campos

Estagiária de Pós-Doutoramento

Fernando Lencastre Sicuro

Estagiário de Pós-Doutoramento

Isabel Maria Alves Natividade Campos

Investigadora Doutorada (Nível 2)

Isabel Natalia Sierra Garcia

Estagiária de pós-doutoramento

Joana Isabel Marques dos Santos

Investigadora Doutorada

Joana Sofia dos Santos Costa

Estagiária de pós-doutoramento

João Luís Teixeira Pestana

Investigador Auxiliar

João Pedro Martins Coelho

Investigador Auxiliar

Jorge Filipe Pereira Henriques

Investigador Doutorado

José Augusto Belchior Alves

Investigador Principal

Júlio Manuel Malha Simões Neto

Estagiário de Pós-Doutoramento

Maria Helena Abreu Silva

Professora Auxiliar

Newton Carlos Marcial Gomes

Investigador Principal com Habilitação

Rui Jorge Miranda Rocha

Professor Auxiliar

Rute Alexandra Pais Costa

Investigadora Doutorada

Tânia Daniela da Silva Vidal

Investigadora Doutorada

Vanessa Jesus de Oliveira

Investigadora Doutorada

Victor José Bandeira

Técnico Superior