- Experimental Design and Analysis of Multivariate Data. University of Aveiro, Portugal, 21-31 Jan
- Recruitment, connectivity and dynamics of marine populations: Part I. University of Aveiro, Portugal, 18-22 Mar
- Recruitment, connectivity and dynamics of marine populations: Part II. University of Aveiro, Portugal, 25-27 Mar
- Ecotoxicology of amphibians and reptiles: from theory to practice. University of Aveiro, Portugal, 8-12 Apr
- Implications of Nanomaterials: A hands on course on Synthesis, Characterization, and Ecotoxicology. University of Aveiro, Portugal, 06-10 May
- Advanced Course on Marine Microbiology. University of Aveiro, Portugal, 03-07 Jun
- Advanced Course in Ecotoxicology; Instituto de Educação e Cidadania (IEC), Oliveira do Bairro, Portugal
- Comunicação Científica. University of Aveiro, Portugal
- Análise estatística de dados ecológicos com software R. University of Aveiro, Portugal, 1-5 Jul
- PAM fluorometry: a tool for the in vivo study of productivity and stress in plants and algae. University of Aveiro, Portugal, 1-5 Jul
- Diversidade microbiana: métodos e aplicações. University of Aveiro, Portugal, 15-19 Jul
- Ecosystem services provided by wetlands: Anthropogenic impacts and Environmental chemistry (3rd edition). University of Aveiro, Portugal, 22-26 Jul
- Ecotoxicogenomics, epigenetics and evolution: practical approach and concepts. University of Aveiro, Portugal, 21-25 Oct
- Short course on biomass combustion, within the AIRUSE project (Life+). University of Aveiro, Portugal, 1-3 Mar
- Short course on sampling of atmospheric aerosols and analysis of their carbonaceous content, within the AIRUSE project (Life+). University of Aveiro, Portugal, 17-19 Jun