Mónica João de Barros Amorim

nomes de citação

Amorim, Mónica
Amorim, M.J.B.
Amorim, M.J.
Amorim, M.J.D.

graus académicos

2019: Habilitation in Biology, University of Aveiro (May 2019)
2000-2004: PhD in Biology, University of Aveiro, Portugal, (November 2004).
1997-2000: Master in Ecology, University of Coimbra, Portugal, (November 2000).
1993-1997: Degree in Biology, scientific branch, University of Coimbra, Portugal, (September 1997).

interesses de investigação

Ecotoxicology: Several years were devoted to the development of an active research programme in ecotoxicology, mostly terrestrial, in field and laboratory, addressing a series of both fundamental and pre-normative research questions. In the area of soil ecotoxicology research activities include the development of the avoidance behaviour test, genomic tools and use of multi-species tests; refinement of existing protocols and development of new bioassays to assess soil contamination. Additionally, has developed and implemented in E. albidus a behavioural test - avoidance test - having shown its high ecological relevance.

Ecotoxicogenomics: Extensive progresses have taken place since 2006, such as the development and the enrichment of a new microarray [1], developed for the first time for an Enchytraeid (E. albidus)[2], and is now an Agilent custom platform. At present E. crypticus was subject of a massive parallel sequencing (454-pyrosequencing) and a high gradient Nimblegen microarray is validated. [2] http://bioinformatics.ua.pt/enchybase/
Nanotoxicology: Collaborating with both national and international experts in the area. Developments in soil nanotoxicology, which are far less studied than in water media, present particular challenges. Investigation is progressing (3 publications 2011) and rapidly moving.

Other skills/activities:
Standardisation of new guidelines, and joining ring tests that precede it, such as the Bioacumulation in Oligochaetes, Collembolan Reproduction test (addition of a new test species) or the Evaluation of a biotest battery for the ecotoxicological characterisation of waste and waste eluates. Promoted and optimized the development of novel avoidance behaviour tests for Enchytraeids, having initially produced 3 papers that kicked research in this topic with other species.

[1] A microarray is a multichannel lab chip. It is a solid matrix (usually a glass slide or a thin silicone celular film) that tests high amounts of biological material in high-throughput. Also called a gene chip.


Sem informação para mostrar.

Project Grant: Beatriz Casal De Sousa
PhD: Fatima Da Conceição Ferreira Dos Santos
PhD: Sekerani Benedito Chidiamassamba
Pesquisa: Ana Beatriz Pires Das Neves
Pesquisa: David Amado Branco Paulo Ferreira
Pesquisa: Joana Margarida Santos Costa
Master: Pedro Daniel Lopes Carmo
Researcher: Rita Carina Saraiva Silva Bicho Alves
Post-doc: Bruno Miguel Machado Guimarães
Voluntariado: Ana Rita Santos
Voluntariado: Ana Beatriz Neves
Post-doc: Luís André Lima Da Gama Mendes
PhD: Anna Ammendola
PhD: Bruno Miguel Machado Guimarães
Post-doc: Ana Maria Ferreira Capitão
Post-doc: Paula Da Silva Tourinho
Pesquisa: Catarina Pinho Pereira
Pesquisa: Cláudia Sofia Moreira Peixoto
Estágio: Cláudia Sofia Moreira Peixoto
PhD: Fatima Da Conceição Ferreira Dos Santos
Bolseiro De Investigação: Joana Machado
Post-doc: Joana Silveira Soares
Pesquisa: Cláudia Peixoto
Projeto: Marina Sofia Cruz Garcia
Master: Micael Gonçalves
Master: Fátima Santos
PhD: Luís André Lima Da Gama Mendes
Pesquisa: Tânia Da Silva Ribeiro
Project Fellow: Luis André Lima Da Gama Mendes
PhD: Maria João Xavier Ribeiro
Project Researcher: Bruno Miguel Machado Guimarães
PhD: Rita Carina Saraiva Silva Bicho Alves
Post-doc: Susana Isabel Lopes Gomes
Post-doc: Karine Lopes Marques
Post-doc: Daniel Giesen
Post-doc: Vera Lúcia De Almeida Maria
Fct Project:
Erasmus: Jana Vasickova
Pesquisa: Fátima Santos
Pesquisa: Micael Gonçalves
Projeto: Rita Carina Saraiva Silva Bicho Alves
PhD: Natália Pegoraro Rodrigues
Projeto De Licenciatura: Carmén Elias
Projeto De Licenciatura: Clara Howcroft Ferreira
Projeto De Licenciatura: Anabela Cristovão Tavares
Projeto De Licenciatura: Pedro Alexandre Lima Cardoso Leal
Estágio Profissionalizante: Cecília Manuela Silva Pereira
Projeto De Licenciatura: Cecília Manuela Silva Pereira
Projeto De Licenciatura: Eva Margarida Fernandes Garcia
Projeto De Licenciatura: Nuno Miguel Araújo Da Cunha
Master: Cecília Pereira
Projeto De Licenciatura: Susana Isabel Lopes Gomes
Master: Susana Isabel Lopes Gomes
Master: Clara Howcroft Ferreira
Master: Eva Lima Castro Oliveira
PhD: Ana Luísa Patrício Silva
Post-doc: Sara Calçada Novais
PhD: Susana Isabel Lopes Gomes
PhD: Sara Calçada Novais