The main objective is the characterization and definition of parameters of sizing and location of an detached breakwater, in front of Praia da Vagueira (Vagos Municipality, Aveiro district). This study aims to present to the APA the alternatives and solutions for an detached breakwater, a preliminary solution scheme and its location, the indication of the main conditions, a set of written and drawn pieces about the work accomplished, and information on the possible need to obtain additional elements for the execution of the Project.
It is intended that this breakwater be multifunctional, fulfilling the following objectives in order of priorities: To reduce the risk of coastal overwashes in the urban front of Praia da Vagueira; To promote the possible increase of the beach in front of the adherent defense, reinforcing the natural defense against the erosion and coastal flood and fomenting its greater usufruct by the population and bathing security; Create physical conditions to promote reference surf waves, boosting the economy associated with this activity.