Call for Artists for 2023 – 2024: EMBracing the Ocean Programme

The European Marine Board announced that the call for artists for the 2023-2024 EMBracing the Ocean artist-in-residence programme is now open for applications. As we enter the third year of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the need to connect people to our Ocean is more important than ever.

The EMBracing the Ocean programme provides grants of €10,000 for creative individuals and groups to co-create artwork in collaboration with Ocean scientists to expand societies’ understanding of the Ocean’s value and inspire wide reaching societal change for Ocean sustainability.

How to apply

You can find more information about the programme and how to apply by downloading our ‘Application Information’ document. A template for preparing submission materials is available here, and applicants are welcome to consult our FAQs. Applications can be submitted until midnight CET on 20 February 2023 using the application form.