Hackathon B-CUBED in Brussels: Challenges and Solutions for Biodiversity through Data Cubes


From April 2 to 5, 2024, in Brussels, the HACKATHON will take place, promoted by our European project B-CUBED. This event, titled “Hacking Biodiversity Data Cubes For Policy,” aims to bring together bioinformaticians, researchers, and professionals passionate about exploring biodiversity data for impactful solutions, with the goal of standardizing biodiversity data, enhancing its efficiency, and accessibility. The main idea is to experiment with data cubes and channel creativity into innovative solutions for a variety of biodiversity-related challenges.

Students are welcome at this event. It is expected that their fresh perspectives and knowledge to interact with data cubes will enable them to connect with leading experts in the field.

B-Cubed is accepting project proposals for this event until December 17, 2023.

Learn more at: B-Cubed Hackathon

Watch an informative video on the topic: https://youtu.be/IgiGxv7FKOs