On 29 May 2023, between 14:00 and 15:00, another edition of the “Ocean Break” series of seminars related to marine research carried out at CESAM will take place.
This time, Erwan Garel, a researcher at CIMA/ARNET – University of the Algarve, will address the topic: “Residual flows in estuaries: drivers and variability”.
The presentation addresses the spatiotemporal variability of the residual circulation in estuaries based on observations. It will be shown that at some settings, the residual flow drivers may change between neap and spring tide, contrarily to usual assumptions.
Erwan Garel is a researcher in physical coastal oceanography at CIMA/ARNET. His present research interests include the coastal water circulation, the morphodynamics of tidal deltas and the estuarine hydrodynamics.
Zoom link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/91620890650?pwd=S0o5Rzd5bU8ydDkxWmVFR2ZDbXd3QT09