On the next February 28th, another remote session of the Ocean Break seminar series will take place at 14:00, presented by Professor Graça Neves from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
This session will focus on the “Interaction of waves with maritime and coastal structures”. This work, developed at NOVA FCT, aims to analyze and improve support tools for the design of maritime and coastal works, specifically those related to overtopping and forces on structures.
To attend this session – click here.
Biographical Note: Maria da Graça Neves is an Associate Professor with Aggregation at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and is the President of the Portuguese Delegation of PIANC. She has participated in more than 40 research projects and 30 development projects, promoted by national and international entities. The work developed includes physical model tests of agitation and the behavior of maritime structures and the operation of wave energy plants, studies of agitation propagation in numerical models from offshore to the coast or into ports or sheltered areas, and opinions and monitoring of maritime works. Her current research area focuses on the structural and hydraulic behavior of maritime structures, i.e., the study of phenomena involved in wave-structure interaction and its physical and numerical modeling. Besides these two main areas, she also works on the generation and analysis of data related to agitation and long waves.