Call for TransOcean Working Group: EuroMarine Outlook on Transoceanic, Transversal and Transformative International Ocean Programs


The TransOcean Working Group will explore how the marine scientific community can be involved in the sustainable development goals (SDGs), particularly in the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the EU Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030.

This Working Group will run for an initial period between January 2023 and December 2025 towards attaining the SDGs, with the main of 1) exploring how EuroMarine can take advantage of its unique position to foster the necessary societal transformative changes and 2) promoting key governance strategies and policy measures. TransOcean will seek to:

  • Support ocean‐oriented communities of practice and networks;
  • Support the development of structural ocean literacy, with both formal education and sensory experience components;
  • Enhance citizen ocean awareness and engagement;
  • Develop concepts and strategies towards full integration of the ocean in the collective imagination, including actions for restoration and rewilding;
  • Produce solid documents that can set the basis for strategies and policies at the European and UN levels.

The expected outcomes include a Workshop of the TransOcean WG members on internationalization, a synthesis white paper on collaborative and transformative marine sciences, a training session for EuroMarine members on Transoceanic, Transversal and Transformative International Ocean Programs, and peer‐publication on connecting marine sciences and society.

For registration, please contact Josep Lluís Pelegrí at .

Duration: Jan 2023-Dec 2025 (first phase)

For more information, please follow the link.