ERA Chair call is open


Deadline: 7 March 2024

ERA Chair call within the Widening Programme of Horizon Europe (HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-TALENTS-01-01) is open. This call presents a distinctive opportunity for institutions to elevate their research capabilities and drive innovation.

Only organizations based in Widening countries are eligible to participate as coordinators (monobeneficiary action). Proposals should include a prospective ERA Chair holder, an outstanding researcher and/or innovator in the chosen scientific domain. The scientific field can encompass any domain of research and innovation.

Expected Outcome: Progress towards more and better links between research and innovation actors across the European Research Area and beyond is imperative for Europe to capitalize on excellence continent-wide. This call aims to foster brain circulation by attracting, in a sustainable manner, outstanding scientists and innovators to universities or research organizations in catching up countries and regions. The anticipated “brain gain” and the establishment of pockets of excellence will positively impact the culture and performance of host institutions. The leadership of the ERA Chair holder and the creation of a permanent and excellent research group in the chosen scientific field will ensure excellence, visibility, and better integration into the European Research Area. Additionally, it will foster competitiveness in research funding and promote institutional reforms aligned with ERA priorities.

Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area WP 2023-2024: HERE

All funding information and procedures on how to apply are on the Funding and Tenders portal: HERE