This call aims to fund transnational cooperation projects that foster sustainable and inclusive development in the Mediterranean. Key focus areas include innovation, SME growth, renewable energy, water, circular economy, climate adaptation, education, healthcare, and local governance.
Deadline: 28 March 2024
With a substantial budget of €103.6 million, the geographical coverage of the call extends to over 100 territories from 7 EU and 8 partner countries, namely Cyprus, Greece, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain and Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia and Türkiye. Project activities shall be implemented in the eligible territories of the countries participating in the Interreg NEXT MED Programme. In Portugal, there is only one eligible region which is the Algarve.
Each project has to be submitted by a partnership representing a minimum of 3 organizations from 3 different eligible countries, including at least one Mediterranean Partner Country. A diverse array of stakeholders, including national and regional public authorities, municipalities, non-profit/civil society organizations, universities, research organizations, private companies and other relevant entities may participate in the call.
Depending on the type of projects foreseen for this call – thematic, youth-oriented and governance – the EU financial support will range from €500,000 to €2.5 million. The EU contribution cannot exceed 89% of the project total eligible costs and the project co-financing must be at least 11% of the total eligible costs. The maximum project’s duration is of 36 months.
The text of the call as well as the guidelines for applicants are already available here. Soon, a tool to find partners and a list of FAQs will also be available (please, see here). The launch of the call will also be supported by a series of information events and other activities. Foreseen initiatives and dates will be announced here.