Deadline: 08 Dec 2023
OYSTER (Orienting Young Scientists of EuroMarine) is looking for enthusiastic, engaged and creative early-career scientists who are willing to advocate EuroMarine and promote the role and relevance of marine science and the ocean in general. OYSTER in particular seeks individuals within the field of marine social science to join the group.
Eligible candidates are PhD students or post-doctoral researchers within 5 years after the completion of PhD or technicians/research assistants within 7 years after the completion of MSc, and who are based at EuroMarine Member Organisations (CESAM/UA is a full member of the EuroMarine network).
Individuals should have experience in marine-based research and be willing to use their creativity, imagination, communication and interpersonal skills to help promote marine science and EuroMarine activities. Individuals will be integrated into a multicultural team where effective communication and respect are important.
Despite the fact that OYSTER would particularly like to invite applications from EuroMarine institutions which do not yet have an early-career researcher in the OYSTER network so far, we advise you to apply!
Interested candidates should send a motivation letter (max. 300 words in EN) together with their CV to: by next 8th of December. New members will be selected by the end of December 2023.