PRIMA is a long-term partnership aiming to foster joint research and innovation approaches among Participating States with a regional focus on the Mediterranean region to improve water availability, sustainable agriculture, and sustainable food production in a region heavily distressed by climate change, urbanisation, and population growth. In 2024 PRIMA calls is expected to have approximately thirty projects funded for a maximum duration of 36 months.
Deadline (Section 1): 02 April 2024
Deadline (Section 2): 04 April 2024
The PRIMA Work Programme 2024 is structured around 2 Sections:
- Section 1: Actions and activities organised, managed, and funded by the PRIMA-Implementation Structure with EU funds, according to H2020 Rules – Focused only on Innovation Actions (IAs) aiming to demonstrate the validation of technology or organizational models and their replication in the market.
In this section there will also bea contest “PRIMA Woman Greening Food Systems Award in Mediterranean Region”. - Section 2 – Activities organised by PRIMA-IS and funded by the national funding bodies of PS (Portugal: FCT) – Focused only onResearch and Innovation Actions (RIAs) aiming to explore new areas and technologies to advance research and innovation in these domains. In this Section, each national funding body will fund the beneficiaries established in its own country. FCT will fund a maximum of 250 k€ to projects coordinated by a Portuguese beneficiary and a maximum of 100 k€ to projects in which the Portuguese beneficiary is a partner (total National funding 1 192 500€).
Both sections envisage 3 Thematic Areas:
Thematic Area 1-Water management in the Nexus
Thematic Area 2-Farming systems in the Nexus
Thematic Area 3-Food value chain in the Nexus
PRIMA calls will be organised according to a two-stage submission process. For the first step, a first-stage proposal (maximum 10 pages) must be submitted by 2 April for Section 1 projects and 4 April for Section 2 projects. Successful applicants in the first step will be invited to the second step to submit a full proposal (maximum 50 pages) until 24 September for Section 1 projects and 26 September for Section 2 projects.
Eligible countries
Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia. It includes the Overseas Countries and Territories linked to these Member States. Israel, Tunisia, Turkey, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Morocco
Supporting materials
Here you can submit your application and here you can find all the reference documents including the application guidelines and the template forms.
Here you can find the recording of the PRIMA info day (16 January 2024) and here the presentations.
Find partners for your project ideas among the organisations registered in the PRIMA portal. Also, register yourself!
Please send an email to cesam-gesciencia@ua.pt if you want our support in the process application.