The FCT Tenure Program aims to hire researchers currently on fixed-term contracts, contributing to reducing job precarity. As of November 15, CESAM has 118 researchers as Integrated Members, who are currently on fixed-term contracts (CEEC, IF, NT, projects) or hold post-doctoral fellowships.
As part of engaging the CESAM community in defining the strategy for the FCT Tenure application, a well-attended meeting took place yesterday. The purpose was to clarify the scope and details of the application, as well as gather opinions on the choices and priorities CESAM should adopt in this program. During this meeting, the results of an internal survey conducted with all Integrated Members of CESAM were presented. The survey sought preferences regarding three possible scenarios concerning the degree of commitment of CESAM’s future budget to co-finance hirings through the FCT Tenure. A total of 145 integrated members participated in the survey, representing a participation rate of 66%.