Following the publication of a study in the scientific journal “Animal Conservation,” led by CESAM researchers, on the black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa) in a section of the Tagus Estuary designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA). The study by our researchers, José Alves and Josh Nightingale (CEAM/DBIO), appeared on the cover of the print edition of Público and was also featured in the print editions of Correio da Manhã, Diário de Notícias, and Jornal de Notícias, as well as in the digital editions of CNN Portugal, Observador, and SIC Notícias.
The CESAM researchers explain that: “This study developed a new methodology that allows for the consideration of animal movements and their application to the predicted impacts of the Montijo Airport on the avifauna of the Tagus Estuary. The results showed that the estimated impacts are substantially higher than those initially quantified by the Environmental Impact Study developed for this infrastructure.”
Read the Público report at: Ruído de aeroporto no Montijo terá impacto muito maior do que o previsto na avifauna | Ambiente | PÚBLICO (
Don’t miss José Alves’ interview on SIC at: Construção do aeroporto no Montijo põe em risco maçaricos-de-bico-direito – SIC Notícias (