CESAM Researchers Featured in the Book “Women in Science”

On International Women’s Day, the launch of the fourth volume of the book “Women in Science” took place at the Pavilion of Knowledge in Lisbon. This volume brings together 101 portraits of female researchers from different fields of knowledge. This editorial project focuses on female researchers and their success stories, with the aim of contributing to the integration of science into Portuguese society and possibly inspiring young people to pursue their vocations.

In the 2023 edition, three CESAM researchers, Ana Hilário, Ana Cristina Figueiredo, and Edna Correia, were honored.

Ana Hilário stated, “Close to half of the researchers in Portugal are women, and that deserves to be celebrated because unfortunately, this is not the reality in much of the world, where access to training and education in the sciences is denied to women.” Edna Correia further emphasized, “It is with great joy that I am part of this initiative by Ciência Viva to honor women in science. I believe that this work is very important to put a face and a voice to women scientists so they can be known and recognized. I hope these books also help to show that there are Portuguese women in all areas of science, you just need to want to find them!”

You can learn more about this project here.