A documentary series consisting of 10 episodes is currently airing on RTP3 as part of the Tech3 program, every Saturday at 6:50 PM, with a repeat on Sundays at 3:50 PM. The series focuses on the “Vertical Algae” project, of which CESAM is a partner. This project, led by PhytoBloom by Necton and considered the largest within the Blue Bioeconomy Pact, is funded by the PRR (Recovery and Resilience Plan) and the Next Generation EU. Our researchers, Rosário Domingues (CESAM/DQUA) and Ricardo Calado (CESAM/DBio), are actively involved in the project.
The main objective of “Vertical Algae” is to provide competitive advantages to the algae sector by emphasizing the creation of sustainable products, optimization of technoscientific processes, and the introduction of innovative services. In collaboration with 38 entities connected to algae, including major business groups, SMEs, innovative startups, universities, collaborative laboratories, research and development (R&D) centers, and business associations, “Vertical Algae” promises to revolutionize the landscape of the blue bioeconomy.
The series is also available on RTP Play.