This documentary portrays unknown natural stories to the general public, such as an eagle feeding its chicks with Asian wasp combs, battles between huge beetles, and the largest lizards in Europe living on a football field. In total, over 800 hours of footage capture animal behaviors, some never before filmed in Portugal. Located in Northern Portugal, Lousada is a densely populated municipality, and as a consequence, the landscape is marked by a high concentration of houses and other human structures. Simultaneously, wildlife tends to persist, and many species begin to take advantage of opportunities generated by human presence. The documentary was produced for the Municipality of Lousada.
Produced by: Play Solutions Audiovisuais Author: Joaquim Pedro Ferreira (CESAM & UA), Milene Matos, and Manuel Nunes
Direction: Pedro Miguel Ferreira (Play Solutions Audiovisuais) and Joaquim Pedro Ferreira (CESAM & UA)
Editing: Pedro Miguel Ferreira (Play Solutions Audiovisuais)
Sound Design: Billyboom Sound Design
Scientific Coordination: CESAM & UA
Duration: 45m Aired: 2020 on SIC, SIC Internacional.
Audiovisual content only available in Portuguese.