2023 – Habilitation in Biology, University of Aveiro
1995 – 1999. PhD in Microbiology. Institute of Microbiology Prof. Paulo de Góes. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
1992 – 1995. MSc in Microbiology. Institute of Biological Sciences. Federal University of Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte (Brazil).
1987 – 1992. Bachelor in Marine Biology. Integrated Faculties Maria Thereza, Niterói (Brazil).
Aquaculture microbiome modulation to improve food security and promote aquaculture sustainability.
From ecology to biotechnology: combine ecology and biotechnology disciplines for a better understanding of the diversity, eco physiological functions and biotechnological potential of marine microbes.
Structural and functional studies of microbial communities in marine ecosystems, plants and animal hosts.
Linking research on environmental and applied microbiology to technological innovation and entrepreneurship.