Kick-off meeting of the Soil@INT project

On February 7th, the first meeting of the “Soil@INT project – Soils of the Interior: Monitoring to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change” took place. This project, coordinated by CESAM researcher Rita Torres, aims to develop a soil health monitoring network based on the integration of remote sensing data and in situ ecological indicators. The ultimate goal is to produce models that facilitate the creation of soil monitoring routines at different spatial and temporal scales. Its resolution and replicability potential will leverage soil management programs in inland territories.
The meeting was attended by the University of Aveiro, Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Associação Transumância e Natureza, Palombar, and the Municipality of Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo. Through the involvement of academia, local associations, and municipal authorities, Soil@INT aims to contribute to the training of local actors who see the valorization of endogenous natural resources as an opportunity to increase regional competitiveness, as well as the resilience of inland landscapes.