On Tuesday, June 20, José Pedro Granadeiro (FCUL/CESAM) participated in the ’90 Seconds of Science’ program on Antena 1 to talk about his research in the ecology of oceanic seabirds. José Pedro Granadeiro explains that these birds undertake long journeys in marine areas far from the coast, and through their study, it is possible to […]
Our researcher, Bruno Nunes (CESAM/DBIO), was on the ‘Turno da Tarde’ program on Rádio Renascença on the 19th of last month to discuss Ecology and Environmental Sustainability. During the interview, Bruno Nunes raised awareness about the environmental impact of improperly disposing of medications. According to him, all medications are biologically active compounds and, as such, […]
After the publication of a study in the scientific journal ‘Animal Conservation,’ led by researchers from CESAM, about the straight-billed curlew (Limosa limosa) in a section of the Tejo estuary designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA). The study by our researchers, José Alves and Josh Nightingale (CEAM/DBIO), made the cover of the print edition […]
Our researcher, Heliana Teixeira (CESAM/DBIO), was featured on the RTP 2 program ‘Sociedade Civil’ this Monday, March 13th, where she discussed the issue of invasive species. The researcher has a strong scientific activity related to this topic, including her membership in the Portuguese Network for the Study and Management of Invasive Species (InvECO) of SPECO […]
In the February edition of the ‘Current Perspective’ supplement, Professor Amadeu Soares, the scientific coordinator of CESAM, describes the mission, research areas, and activities carried out by the research center. ‘Our mission is to develop internationally excellent, multi- and transdisciplinary research on the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and anthroposphere, within a multidisciplinary thematic framework,’ says […]
In the February 25, 2023 edition of the Público newspaper, researcher Afonso Rocha (CESAM/BIO) discusses his work with straight-billed curlews in the Tejo estuary. This work is conducted in cooperation with researchers from the University of Extremadura (Spain). “Historically, the most important sites for the species as stopover areas during their migration route were Doñana […]
In the latest edition of the Semanário Sol, our researcher Rosa Freitas (CESAM/DBIO) addresses bivalve mortality in the Ria Formosa: ‘(…) monitoring marine toxins in bivalve mollusks is necessary (…) ‘Naturally, bivalves with toxins will need to develop defense strategies, involving, for example, the expenditure of reserve energies that are not allocated to other processes […]
Our researcher, José Alves, discusses the growth of the flamingo population in the Ria de Aveiro on the SIC Prime Time News. You can watch the SIC report here.You can also (re)read the ‘Ask a CESAM Scientist’ column here, where José Alves addresses the same topic.
The scientific coordinator of CESAM, Amadeu Soares, wrote on the Florestas.pt platform about the forest research produced in our center: ‘(…) CESAM recognizes the forest as a sector of the utmost importance for Portugal and is one of the few Associated Laboratories whose activity promotes the three main pillars of sustainability: economic, social, and environmental. […]
The report in the newspaper Público, titled ‘In the Tejo estuary, birds are captured to learn from them,’ follows a team of researchers during a night of bird capture and ringing as part of our student João Belo’s doctoral research. As mentioned in the report: “The information that will emerge from this will allow João […]