This year, the city of Aveiro hosted the Navy Day Programme, which featured significant participation from CESAM and the University of Aveiro. Navy Day was marked by the colloquium “The Sea: Traditions and Challenges” held on 17th May at the University’s Rectorate, with the following CESAM members participating:
Amadeu Soares, Professor and Scientific Coordinator of CESAM, served as a member of the Scientific Committee;
Ana Hilário, Researcher (CESAM/DBIO), served as a member of the Organising Committee, moderated the 2nd panel “The Sea: Current Challenges I – Practice Directed Towards Sustainability,” and gave the oral presentation “Exploration and Monitoring of Deep Sea Ecosystems”;
Ana Lillebø, Researcher (CESAM/DBIO), served as a member of the Scientific Committee and gave the oral presentation “Mission Recover Our Ocean and Waters by 2030, Focusing on the Atlantic-Arctic Basin”;
Fátima Alves, Professor, Deputy Coordinator of CESAM, and Director of DAO, served as a member of the Organising Committee;
Luís Menezes Pinheiro, Professor (CESAM/DGEO), President of the Scientific Committee, gave the oral presentation “Challenges of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development”;
Ricardo Calado, Researcher (CESAM/DBIO), gave the oral presentation “Blue Biotechnology and Sustainability”.
To conclude the celebrations, on 21st May, CESAM’s vessel Nereide accompanied the training ship Sagres from the port of Aveiro, where it was docked as part of the Navy Day celebrations, to its departure to the sea. Onboard were several professors and researchers associated with marine studies, including Luís Menezes Pinheiro, Nuno Vaz (CESAM/DFIS), Clara Rodrigues (CESAM/BIO), Shi Quan Ooi, Catarina Eira (CESAM/DBIO), and Henrique Queiroga (CESAM/DBIO), who joined this event.
Watch the video of the voyage here.
(Text by: CESAM’s Communication, Promotion, and Dissemination Service)