Patrícia Alexandra Oliveira Pereira Kowalski

citation names

Pereira, Patrícia
Patrícia Pereira
Pereira, P.
P. Pereira

academic degrees

– September 2009. PhD in Biology. University of Aveiro (Portugal)
– June 2003. Master in Toxicology. University of Aveiro (Portugal)
– July 2000. Degree in Biology. University of Aveiro (Portugal)

research interests

- Neuronal and sensorial toxicity of mercury (and other trace elements) in fish.
- Mercury toxicokinetics.
- Biochemical and physiological effects of mercury (and other trace elements) on fish brain.
- Changes on fish brain morphometry related with mercury exposure.
- Fish behavior.
- Mercury isotopes.
- The use of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a pioneering model in neurotoxicology.


PhD: Libânia Sofia Seixas Queirós
Master: Ricardo Pereira