BioProtect – Advancing Area-based Management Tools to Accelerate the Protection and Restoration of Marine Biodiversity across the European Sea Basins


Sophie Jensen

CESAM Responsible researcher

Ana Margarida Medrôa de Matos Hilário


Horizon Europe (HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01)


01/05/2024 - 30/04/2028

Funding for CESAM

382087,50 €

Total Funding

8110245 €

Funding Entity

European Commission (EC)

Proponent Institution


Participating Institutions

  • Matis ohf. (IS)
  • International council for the exploration of the sea (ICES) (DK)
  • Sjokovin (DE)
  • Universitaet Bielefeld (DE)
  • Submariner network for blue growth (DE)
  • Indigo Med SMPC (GR)
  • Hafrannsoknastofnun, Rannsokna -og- Radgjafarstofnun Hafs og Vatna (IS)
  • Marine Institute (IE)
  • National University of Ireland Galway (IE)
  • Havforskiningsinstituttet (NO)
  • Nofima AS (NO)
  • Universitetet i Tromsoe - Norges Arktiske Universitet (NO)
  • Atlantic International Research Centre (PT)
  • Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (PT)
  • Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência (PT)
  • Universidade dos Açores (PT)
  • Instituto do Mar (PT)
  • Universidade de Aveiro (PT)


BioProtect will develop and promote the use of an area-based management decision support framework (ABM-DSF) to support ecosystem-based MSP (EB-MSP) and reduce multiple interacting pressures from human activities in European seas. The BioProtect ABM-DSF includes:

• Recommendations for good governance and management.
• Procedures and technologies to activate and engage citizens and stakeholders in co-design and decision-making.
• Strategies to map, monitor and forecast changes in marine biodiversity.
• Process to identify risks and adaptive measures to reduce pressures from human activities on marine biodiversity.
• Decision support tool (DST) for ecosystem-based conservation and restoration planning.
• Impact assessment workflows to understand the ecological and socio- economic consequences of management options.
• Capacity building to facilitate the use of the framework.

CESAM members in the project

Ana Isabel Lillebo Batista

Investigadora Principal com Agregação

Cristina Brice Pita

Professora Auxiliar Convidada