ConMar – Conservação do Meio Marinho: contribuição para a conservação do Sítio Maceda-Praia da Vieira e ZPE Aveiro-Nazaré


Catarina Eira


Fundo Ambiental


01/01/2019 - 30/11/2019

Funding for CESAM

79996.45 €

Total Funding

84496.65 €

The project represents a first contribution to the application of conservation measures at the Natura 2000 sites Maceda – Praia da Vieira and Aveiro – Nazaré, which were recently designated in Portugal. The project´s actions are aligned with the Management Plans proposed for these areas. They are mainly focused on reducing the pressures caused by Xávega on the conservation of cetaceans, on collecting or rescuing stranded cetaceans and seabirds and on the quantification and characterization of marine macro litter. The project also includes awareness raising and dissemination actions aimed at the fishing sector and the general public.