Flora iberica XI


Carlos Aedo

CESAM Responsible researcher

Paulo Silveira


DGPTC (Spain)


01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020

Proponent Institution

Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid (CSIC), Spain

Flora Iberica is the name of a project born in 1980 that aims at – by original taxonomic research – update and synthesize the current knowledge on the vascular plants spontaneously occurring in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands, a territory of remarkable floristic richness. Its main objective is to publish an account – both in book and in electronic form distributed on the Internet – enabling the identification of the plants and getting various information about them, like scientific and common names, description, geographic distribution, etc..
The team includes a General Coordinator and a Secretariat, both of the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid (CSIC) and an advisory committee whose members belong to several scientific collaborating institutions from thirteen countries.
The plan of the work predicts the publication of 21 volumes, of which one is yet to be published.