1.MONITORING Breeding bird GPS-tracking at 4 nesting-sites during incubation and chick-rearing in both years. Use tracking data to: a) characterize sensitive at-sea areas of higher birds’ concentration (rafting and foraging) and correlate them with coastal/offshore recreational and economic activities and overlap with IBAs/MPAs; b) characterize spatial niche and correlate with isotopic niche (Nitrogen, Carbon), individual characteristics (sex, age, body-condition, breeding success) and presence of bio-accumulated environmental contaminants (organochlorines compounds) obtained from blood analysis of GPS-tagged birds. This information will be also correlated with egg characteristics in females. Dead individuals and nonviable eggs sampled to determine the causes.
2.TAKING ACTION Restoring a new nesting-site on (B-colony site Nonsuch Island installing 5 nests and translocating 10 near-fledged chicks. Surveying one additional offshore island (Southampton Island) to identify suitable breeding habitats to place new artificial-nests by the end of the second year.
3.INVOLVING SOCIETY Develop an educational activity in local secondary schools including talks and inviting students to participate in an Art-competition with the purpose of preparing a Bermuda Petrel’s pocket calendar (2020-2021) illustrating the Cahow’s biological cycle. Art-works will be exhibited, prized and calendars printed and distributed. Public awareness will be also raised by disseminating project details in social media.