LIFE REFOREST – Erosion prevention and flora REstauration of burnt FOREST areas through innovative fungal-technosol solution

CESAM Responsible researcher

Jan Jacob Keizer


LIFE Programme (LIFE17 ENV/ES/000248)


01/07/2018 - 31/03/2022

Funding for CESAM

302382 €

Total Funding

1577648 €

Proponent Institution

CETIM - Fundación Centro Tecnológico de Investigación Multisectorial

Participating Institutions

  • Associação Florestal de Portugal
  • Asociación Forestal de Galicia, Spain
  • HIFAS da Terra S.L., Spain
  • Indutec Ingenieros, S.L.U., Spain
  • TEN S.L. - Tratamientos Ecológicos del Noroeste S.L., Spain
  • Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Águeda (ESTGA), UA


The goal of LIFE REFOREST is to demonstrate a new strategy to mitigate soil loss associated to post-fire episodes in forest areas by applying a technosol based in organic waste inoculated with fungal species (mycotechnosol) in order to avoid soil erosion and boost natural regeneration of burnt areas. LIFE REFOREST solution will be based in a mycotechnosol, contained in a tube-shaped biodegradable net, acting as a bioactive barrier to retain soil structure from streamflow in a first stage, and to accelerate ecosystem recovery thanks to fast fungal mycelium development on forest surface. This novel mycotechnosol will also supply organic matter and nutrients to the soil, and local plant seeds to accelerate the restoration of the vegetation cover and promote water retention.

CESAM members in the project