“The aim of this project is to use the information generated in previous projects to promote the more efficient management and conservation of the natural values of the region and to contribute to the increase of resilience of the mosaic of habitats in a scenario of climate change and land use, at a global level . To achieve this goal, we propose four specific objectives:
1). Based on the landscape and land use variables that were identified in previous studies as relevant for different fauna groups, we intend to identify (based on geographic information systems and identified variables) the areas with the greatest potential to harbor a greater diversity of different groups of fauna and with particular importance for conservation (hotspots).
2) – Based on the identification of hotspots, we propose three complementary objectives:
2.1) Identify the priority areas for conservation, both because of the high values of diversity and the high degree of threat, and propose management and conservation measures that enhance the diversity of fauna and the maintenance of ecosystem services.
2.2) Involve local communities in this process by: (a) collecting contributions on traditional practices, why they are abandoned and their current socio-economic viability; (b) promotion of good practices and economically and ecologically sustainable ways of recovering practices that promote diversity, including through training and awareness raising.
2.3) Provide for landscape changes and their impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainability of human activities that are likely to be caused by climate change (eg, extreme events such as floods, fires or salt water intrusion) or use from soil.”