MOSAIC – Application of microbial-laden biochar as a proxy for long-term sustainability of contaminated soils


Flávio Castro Silva


Observatoire Hommes-Millieux International (OHMI)


19/01/2021 - 18/01/2023

Funding for CESAM

9000 €

Total Funding

9000 €

MOSAIC project aims at addressing “How feasible/profitable is the local-produced biochar to boost quality of Estarreja contaminated soils?” by assessing and transferring technological development over the following hypotheses: (i) biochar can be produced from renewable feedstocks existing in Estarreja; (ii) pyrolysis parameters can be tuned to match biochar production suitable for both immobilisation of soil contaminants and controlled release of valuable plant nutrients; (iii) enhanced activity of the soil microorganisms enriched onto biochar benefits both soil remediation and fertility; and (iv) the microbial-laden biochar can turn into an innovative Estarreja-based fertiliser, providing that its agronomic value and cost-effectiveness are ensured through proper techno-economic assessment. The project team gathers expertise in environmental biotechnology, thermochemical conversion engineering, soil science and economics towards an innovative transdisciplinary research approach that will benefit stakeholders from Estarreja.

CESAM members in the project

Ana Carolina Pedrosa Morim

Estudante de Doutoramento