The main purpose of this project is to develop innovative technologies that allow the monitoring, in almost real time, of harbour inlets. The system to be developed will collect sea bottom data and local hydrodynamics, namely, the parameterization of the three-dimensional position of the submerged bar and physical parameters – wave height, wave period and predominant direction and tide height. In addition, morphological data will be collected in the area adjacent to the embouchure.
The NAVSAFETY project aims to develop two monitoring methods supported by remote sensing solutions: i) a video monitoring system in which innovative software solutions are applied; (ii) satellite image processing methodologies for the extraction of shallow water bathymetry (lower depths to 15 m).
The information acquired and processed in real time intends to generate innovative and competitive services, in the national and international market, that will be made available online through a WEB platform and a mobile application, to end users. The WEB service provides the information, in real time, about the dynamics of submerged bars. The mobile application aims to disseminate information on local hydrodynamics and tidal levels.
The NAVSAFETY project, by using remote sensing technologies and innovative image processing methodologies, enables make available information for a wide range of ocean wave conditions, including extreme (storm) events.