PAMP_it_UP – PAMPas grass control in the University of Aveiro campus, in marginal areas of Ria de Aveiro


Paula Alexandra Aquino Maia


Aviso n.º 10096/2021« Intervenções para o controlo da erva-das-pampas (Cortaderia selloana) em Portugal continental»


01/01/2021 - 30/03/2022

Funding for CESAM

16545 €

Total Funding

16545 €


PAMPitUP aims to contribute to solve an increasing ecological problem at national and regional levels, which is the invasion by the pampas-grass, Cortaderia selloana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Asch. & Graebn.
The main objective of the project is to control this invasive species in the interface between the University Campus and the Special Protection Area of the Ria de Aveiro, an area that is currently under the management of the Technical Services of the University of Aveiro.
We aim to reinforce the institutional collaboration, from the core project team to the Technical Services, to bring forward a control, monitoring plan, for the maintenance of the green spaces of the University Campus and to broaden the management network to local and regional administration bodies.

CESAM members in the project

Paula Alexandra Aquino Maia

Investigadora Doutorada

Sofia Caçoilo Corticeiro

Investigadora Doutorada