The use of physical, chemical and biological tools to evaluate the water resources under the influence of the Norsk Hydro Mining Company (Paragominas-PA)


Rossineide M da Rocha

CESAM Responsible researcher

Bruno Nunes


Research Consortium Brazil-Norway 2018


01/01/2019 - 31/12/2019

Total Funding

222975 €

Proponent Institution

Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil

Participating Institutions

  • Universidade do Porto

The current proposal has the general aim of evaluating the environmental quality of the water and sediment of the Potiritá and Capim rivers in the Paragominas region, under the influence of the Norsk Hydro Mining company. An integrated approach using physical, chemical and biological tools through examining metal concentrations, histopathological and biochemical biomarkers; and population genetics and ecology of bivalves. This information will allow an understanding of anthropogenic disturbances in the aquatic environment and their effects on the biota, serving as a subsidy for the area’s water resources monitoring program.