  • Aquacultura multi-trófica integrada
  • Soluções baseadas na natureza
  • Bioprospecção
  • Valorização inteligente de recursos biológicos marinhos

The Marine Biotechnology & Aquaculture (MBA) research group combines fundamental and applied research to gain interdisciplinary knowledge and stimulate industries in these scientific areas. The MBA research team brings together multidisciplinary expertise in environmental chemistry, multi-omics technologies, eco-physiology, and photobiology, which are applied to study the implementation of nature-based solutions to increase sustainability in the aquaculture sector. Biotechnological applications are promoted through the screening and use of new marine bioactive molecules, as well as through the valorization of new biological resources produced in integrated multitrophic aquaculture systems (IMTA). The MBA team develops and validates innovative tools for traceability of seafood products using natural fingerprints.

Their current research lines include: Development and optimization of innovative life support systems for large-scale experimental trials with emphasis on IMTA; Development of molecular and biogeochemical tools for traceability of seafood products; Study of the impacts of global changes on marine fauna; Restoration of seagrass beds and study of their bioremediation potential; Deciphering the mechanisms of kleptoplasty in photosynthetic sea slugs; and optimization of the biomass production of marine invertebrates, algae, and halophytes for multiple value-added applications.


members (PhD only)

Ana Isabel Lillebo Batista

Investigadora Principal com Agregação

Ana Isabel Francisco Sousa

Investigadora Auxiliar

Anthony Peter Moreira

Investigador Júnior

Felisa Rey Eiras

Investigadora Júnior

Heta Mattila

Bolseira de pós-doutoramento

João Pedro Martins Coelho

Investigador Auxiliar

Johannes Wilhelm Goessling

Investigador júnior

Patrícia Tavares Martins

Investigadora Doutorada

Renato José Braz Mamede

Investigador Doutorado

Ricardo Jorge Guerra Calado

Investigador Coordenador

Seila María Díaz Costas

Investigadora Auxiliar

Tânia Sofia Rodrigues de Melo

Investigadora Auxiliar

Vesa Tapio Havurinne

Investigador Doutorado