  • Integrated assessment of surface processes facing climate change
  • Mitigation measures
  • Integrated management, planning and governance of terrestrial, coastal and marine resources
  • Human perceptions and attitudes
  • Participatory processes, communication and policy advise

SES RG integrates environmental, socio-economic and policy sciences that underpin integrated assessment, planning and management of natural resources, sustained in integrated experimental, explorative, predictive and participatory approaches that support community, industry and government stakeholders in the sustainable planning and management of terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine socio-ecological systems.
The scope of our research is focus on: i) environmental assessment studies underpinning for decision-making on sustainable land and surface water resources management, focusing on the assessment, prediction, mitigation and demonstration to key stakeholders. Emphasis is given to the surface processes driven by climate change, with particular focus on the post-fire impacts on soil and soil fertility losses, and resulting contamination to downstream aquatic habitats; ii) integrated research of marine environments, specially focused on the ecological and socio-economical aspects, to improve the efficient management and use of marine resources and contribute to the conservation and sustainability of these resources; and iii) participatory approaches and policy-relevant research at local, national and international scales on governance, planning and management of terrestrial, coastal and marine resources.


members (PhD only)

Cristina Brice Pita

Investigadora Auxiliar

Eduardo Marques e Silva Rocha de Oliveira

Estagiário de Pós-Doutoramento

Frank G.A. Verheijen

Investigador Auxiliar

Helena Margarida Moreira de Oliveira Vieira

Investigadora Coordenadora e ERA CHAIR Holder

Isabel Maria Alves Natividade Campos

Investigadora Doutorada (Nível 2)

Maria de Fátima Lopes Alves

Professora Associada com Agregação

Martinho António Santos Martins

Estagiário de Pós-Doutoramento

Muhammad Noman Shafique

Investigador Doutorado

Peter Cornelis Roebeling

Investigador Auxiliar

Sofia Caçoilo Corticeiro

Investigadora Doutorada

Ulisses Manuel de Miranda Azeiteiro

Professor Associado com Agregação

Zeeshan Arshad

Investigador Doutorado