Three new European projects have recently been launched, in which CESAM is involved. These projects represent a commitment to research and environmental preservation, addressing a variety of challenges related to biodiversity and the conservation of natural ecosystems.
The “Mariculture for Rewilding Subtidal Seagrass Meadows in the Ria de Aveiro” project began on September 1, 2023, and will run for a duration of 7 years. The overall coordinator of this project is CESAM/DBio researcher João Pedro Coelho, and the project has a total funding of €3,426,795.91.
The project “REWRITE – REWilding and Restoration of Intertidal Sediment Ecosystems for Carbon Sequestration, Climate Adaptation, and Biodiversity Support” also commenced on September 1 of this year and will run for 5 years. CESAM is a partner in this project, coordinated at the University of Aveiro by researcher Ana Sousa, with a total funding of €7,932,116.48.
Finally, the “LIFE Godwit Flyway – Conservation of the Black-tailed Godwit Along the Migration Route” project started on July 1, 2023, and will run for more than 7 years. CESAM is a partner in this project, with José Alves (CESAM/DBio) as the responsible researcher at the University of Aveiro. This project has received total funding of €794,261.00.
We eagerly anticipate learning about the results and impact of these projects.