COASTAL project Webinar: Advances in detecting marine toxins using sensors

The COASTAL (MiCrofluidic sensOrs for rApid detection of marine toxins in SusTainable AquacuLture)Project team is pleased to invite you to participate in the Webinar Advances in detecting marine toxins using sensors which will take place online (via Zoom) at 10 am (Lisbon Time) on December 7th 2022.

This Webinar aims to present an overview of technologies in detecting marine toxins in bivalves and other unexpected vectors and to present a novel approach for the detection of PST (Paralytic Shellfish Toxins) through microfluidic sensors.


1.            10h00 | Opening and Presentation of the COASTAL project – Alisa Rudnitskaya (University of Aveiro | Portugal)

2.            10h10 | Method refinements, new technologies and unexpected vectors for marine toxins – Andrew Turner (CEFAS | UK)

3.            10h30 | Detecting marine toxins and other targets with biotechnological strategies – Mónica Cámpas (IRTA | Spain)

4.            10h50 | National monitoring programs of marine toxins for bivalves from Norway and Portugal – John Aasen (NMBU | Norway) & Maria João Botelho (IPMA | Portugal)

5.            11h10 | Chemical and biosensors for the detection of paralytic shellfish toxins – Alisa Rudnitskaya (University of Aveiro | Portugal)

6.            11h30 | Integrating sensors with microfluidics; challenges and opportunities – Frøydis Sved Skottvoll & Michal Mielnik (SINTEF | Norway)

7.            11h50 | General discussion and final remarks

Moderation: M. Teresa S.R. Gomes (University of Aveiro | Portugal)

The webinar is free but registration is required (online participation limited to 100 entries) and the deadline is December 5th 2022.

Link to registration:

The COASTAL project seeks to mitigate the negative effects of harmful algal blooms by developing novel miniaturized sensing screening tool for rapid and sensitive detection of PST. The main intended end-users of such tools are bivalve producers and reference labs involved in toxins surveillance.