Workshop “Espécies não nativas num mundo em mudança”

[Content only available in english]
CESAM is organizing a workshop on Alien Species | 28 November 2018; UA.
The workshop scientific committee is calling for flash presentations (5’) under the topics:

I. Introduction of alien species in the context of global changes
II. Invasive alien species: a growing problem for environment and human wellbeing
III. Prevention and mitigating of invasive alien species

Four to five flash presentations under each topic will be selected and all CESAM community is invited to submit proposals.
Proposals should be sent by e-mail to and should include:

  • Title of the presentation
  • Presenter name and co-authors (if applicable)
  • Abstract (up to 200 words)
NOTE: The slides of the presentation will be in english but the presentation will be in Portuguese.
The proposals will be selected upon relevance for the session by the Scientific Committee and results will be communicated within a week from the deadline for applications.

There are already some confirmed entities that will atend the round table. You can count with the presence of:

  • Associação BioLiving
  • EDIA, SA
  • Município de Águeda
  • Porto de Aveiro